Campaigning (Ad)Ventures

Every child should be able to experience a safe, healthy and happy childhood.

It is critical to lifelong wellbeing, childhood developmental milestones and in giving each child the chance to become the person they each have the potential to be.

Since the start of the millennium, news of childhood hunger and obesity has provoked headlines. I used my Ella’s Kitchen platform to campaign publicly on the importance of food security, nutrition and play for children and young people, and I have continued this focus in my campaigning and public service roles ever since.

Play Commission

I conceived of, lead and chair The Raising the Nation Play Commission, a landmark inquiry into children’s play. Throughout its 12-month programme, the Commission is taking testimony from leading experts in children’s play and wellbeing, as well as from parents, children and young people across England. It is also working with legal advisors to ensure children’s rights to play are upheld, protected and enhanced. Supported by 21 expert Commissioners, it is further investigating policies and attitudes which lie behind increasing barriers to both the space and time available for children to play. In June 2025 it will publish its report on why and how government should adopt a National Play Strategy policy to deliver on its promised mission to break down barriers to opportunity. I am working in partnership with Anne Longfield, former Children’s Commission for England, and the organisation she founded, the Centre for Young Lives, to deliver our work.

Child Centred-Policies

I have worked across political parties to raise concerns about childhood obesity, hunger and nutrition. My 2012 ‘Averting a Recipe for Disaster’ report on childhood obesity was raised in the House of Commons and evaluated by cross-party health teams. I have advocated for a long-term nutrition strategy for under-fives in their manifestos.

London’s Child Obesity Taskforce

I was invited by Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, to chair his London Child Obesity Taskforce with a mission to reduce childhood obesity in the capital and close the health inequality gap across the city. The Taskforce worked for four years and presented ‘Ten Ambitions for London’ to the Mayor, upon which he has committed action to ensure London becomes a place where children can grow up healthier.

Hungry Childhoods

In a study with Kids Company supported by Ella’s Kitchen, I led a public campaign to raise awareness of persistent hunger among children. Young people documented their experiences of food insecurity through art.
